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RG104 E-1 Box 120 

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NARA RG104, Entry 1, Box 120 

[Abstract:] The Standard Weights no longer reliable & should be discarded... 34 4 
Note to the Superintendent. 

In reference to the letter from the Director, to ascertain the deviations of our set of 
standard weights, it appears upon further examination that they are no longer fit to occupy that 
position, but should be discarded, or used for common work; and a new set asked for, from the 
Bureau of Weights and Measures. 

They have been on hand a long time, and considerably used; so much so, that they are 
somewhat battered, and even small bits knocked off, and the loss restored by inserting pieces of 
lead. It would seem to be lost labor to make a serial connection, in weights intended to occupy a 
governing place, and so much out of order. 

With respects of 
W.E. Du Bois 